Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Thursday, April 30, 2009


JM - Daily Dozen

A1. hand to hand C&P 3x3 L/R 40kg
A2. OA ballistic row 3x6 L/R 40kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

B1. DBL Rack Kickstand Lunge 3x6 24kgs
B2. DBL Swings 3x6 32kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

C1. AB roll out 3x6
C2. Slow and controlled Set ups 3x10

1 Minute Rest between sets

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


JM Daily Dozen AM & PM

A1. DBL Hang C&P - 3x6 - 32kgs
A2. Alt RR 3x6 - 32kgs

1 minute rest between sets

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - 32kgs
B2. DBL Cleans 3x10 - 32kgs

1 minute rests between sets

C1. Side Bends 3x8 - 32kg
C2. DBL OH walks 3 rounds R/L - 32kgs

1 minute rests between sets

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


no training today....I didn't feel well

Child Obesity is linked to Chemicals in plastics

Interesting Mike Mahler and Ori Hofmeckler have been saying this for years. Read the story here.

Monday, April 27, 2009


JM - Daily dozen

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 2x6, 1x7 -  32kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x8 32kgs

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x10 l,r 32kgs
B2: Dbl Swings 3x10 32kgs

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 1x10, 2x8

1 min between each set

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Off Day

1/2 mile walk with the wife and youngest son and the dogs.

Intu-Flow - intermediate level

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Kinda pre-exhausted myself by cutting grass and redoing my workout area in the garage. So I cut it short today because i wasn't feeling it

Daily Dozen

A1. DBL C&P 2x6 - 32kgs
A2. DBL Ballistic rows 2x6 - 32kgs

1 min between sets

B1. DBL Suitcase kickstand Lunge 2x8 L/R - 32kgs
B2. DBL Snatches 2x6 - 24kgs

1 min between sets

C1. Ab wheel 1x6
C2. DBL OH Walks 1 round 24kgs

1 min between sets

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Daily Dozen

A1. Dbl relaxed Military Press 3x6 - 32kgs
A2. dbl alt bent rows 3x6 - 32kgs

1 minute between sets

B1. Dbl clean & front sq. 1x5 - 32kgs,2x8 - 24kgs

1 minute between sets

Finisher Hindu Squats 50 reps

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


JM - Daily Dozen

A1. hand to hand C&P 2x6 L/R 32kgs, 1x3 L/R 40kg
A2. OA ballistic row 3x6 L/R 40kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

B1. DBL Rack Kickstand Lunge 1x6R/5L - 32kgs,2x6 24kgs
B2. DBL Swings 3x6 32kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

C1. AB roll out 3x6
C2. Slow and controlled Set ups 1x8, 2x5

1 Minute Rest between sets

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


KB warm-up

A1. DBL Hang C&P - 3x6 - 32kgs
A2. Alt RR 3x6 - 32kgs

1 minute rest between sets

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - 32kgs
B2. DBL Cleans 3x10 - 32kgs

1 minute rests between sets

C1. Side Bends 3x8 - 40kg
C2. OH walks 3 rounds R/L - 48kg

1 minute rests between sets

Monday, April 20, 2009


JM - a mixture of Daily dozen and intu-flow

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6 32kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x8 32kgs

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r 32kgs
B2: Dbl Swings 3x8 32kgs

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 1x10, 2x8

1 min between each set

Saturday, April 18, 2009


A1. DBL C&P - 3x10 24kgs
A2. DBL Ballistic Rows 3x10 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

B1. DBL suitcase Kickstand Lunges 3x10 - 24kgs
B2. DBL swings 3x10 - 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

C1. Side Bends 3x8 24kg
C2. DBl OH Walks 3 rounds 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

This was a back off week. Onto the 32kgs for all presses and the Bulldog and Beast for the others. I am still working on getting another bulldog. Just a little longer to save. The economy just sucks right now.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Back felt great after doing intu-flow last night and this morning. Did some more yard work and put up a trampoline for the boys. they are enjoying it.


A1. Dbl relaxed Military Press 3x10 - 24kgs
A2. dbl alt bent rows 3x12 - 24kgs

1 minute between sets

B1. Dbl clean & front sq.3x6 - 24ks

1 minute between sets

Finisher Hindu Squats 50 reps

Thursday, April 16, 2009

tweaked my back

I have 2 days off and was doing some yard work and some how tweaked my back around my scapula. I will be taking tonight off. Hopefully it will be better so I can make up tonight's session. It is not a constant pain just a cramping feeling. I was carrying a sheet of plywood and had to turn and shut the gate before the dog got out. So hopefully it is just a cramp.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Kb Warm up

A1. hand to hand C&P 3x10 L/R 24kgs
A2. OA ballistic row 3x10 L/R 24kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

B1. DBL Rack Kickstand Lunge 3x6 24kgs - harder than I thought
B2. DBL Swings 3x10 24kgs

1 Minute Rest between sets

C1. AB roll out 3x6
C2. Slow and controlled Set ups 1x8, 2x5

1 Minute Rest between sets

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4.14.09 - PR

Kb Warm up

A1. Dbl Hang C&P 3x10 24kgs
A2. Alt RR 3x10 24kgs

1 Minute rests between sets

B1. Dbl Suitcase squats 3x12 - 24kgs
B2. Dbl cleans 3x12 - 24kgs

1 Minute rests between sets

C1. Side Bends 3x8 L/R 40kg
C2. OH walks 3 rounds R/L - 48kg

1 Minute rests between sets

Getting the 48kg OH was a PR for me. Before today, I could not even push press it. Today I was able to with both arms. First step on my goal of getting to strict press it with both arms by year end.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Sonnon's Intu-flow Intermediate level

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 2x10, 1x12 24kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x12 24kgs

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x12 l,r 24kgs
B2: Dbl Swings 3x12 24kgs

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 3x5

1 min between each set

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am going to have to wait....

I was going to buy another 40kg, but plans have changed. My brake calipers locked up and made my rotors look like a vinyl album. After getting this repaired yesterday, I am broke for a while. I will get it, but now I have to wait.......


Sonnon's KB warm-up

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x10 - 24kgs
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x8 - 32kgs

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - used a bulldog and beast
B2. Double Cleans 3x10 - 32kgs

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R  - 40kg
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds - 32kgs

1 min between each set

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mike Mahler's Fatloss and Mental toughness DVD

Tomorrow will be my last day on the 4 week beginner level. I must say that the workouts are great. I have an increase in size along with a decrease in fat. Next week I will move to the HFT(High Frequency Training) Intermediate program. This calls for 5 days a week of covering the 5 pillars as Mike defines them.

Awesome stuff. For my B-day, I will be buying the Size/strength and Speed DVDs. I feel i will be able to cycle these all year for a nice little program.

I have a friend that is utilizing his online training services to great results. If interested click the banner at the bottom and visit his site.


Sonnon's Intu-flow Intermediate level

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6 32kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6 Bulldog and Beast

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r 32kgs
B2: Dbl Swings 3x8 32kgs

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 3x6

1 min between each set

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm-up mixed with some Daily Dozen

OHS w/stick 2x10

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x6 - 32kgs
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x5 - 40kg & 48kg

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 40kg & 48kg
B2. 1a Cleans 2x10/10 - 40kg, 1x5/5 48kg

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R  40kg
C2. Overhead walk 3 rounds ea arm- 40kg

1 min between each set

I need to get another Bulldog for double work. The Beast is still a little heavy for overhead work for me, at the moment.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6 32kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6 Bulldog and Beast

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r 32kgs
B2: 2A swings 3x10 Beast

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 3x6

1 min between each set

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm-up

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x5
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - used a bulldog and beast
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

Used 32kgs


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B2: Double Swing 3x8

1 min between exercises

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

Used 32kgs


Sonnon's KB warm-up

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x5
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - used a bulldog and beast
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds

1 min between each set

Used 32kgs