Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, May 21, 2012

5.21.2012 - Density Cycle Day 1

Steven and I are starting a clubbell Density Cycle on the Trial by Fire exercises, DBL Swipes, Alternating Mills, and Hammer Swings.

The goal is 

100 Double Swipes continous

100 Mills L/R Continous

100 Hammer Swings (50CW/50CCW)

we will be following a 4 day cycle. An Intu-Flow warmup and prasara cooldown will be added

Day1 - Dbl Swipes

Day 2 Alt Mills

Day 3 - Hammer Swings

Day 4 - Intu-Flow and Prasara recovery




Dbl Swipes 5 reps on the minute for 20 minutes

6 minute Prasara cool down

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