Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, January 26, 2009

1.26.09 - Morning JM and Day 1 of 4x7 - heavy - Dave Randolph's Horse Power

Morning JM - KB Warm-up

After work -

Day 1 - Heavy

Horse power

Alt RR  5/5 - 32kg
Dbl Dead cleans 5 - 32kg
1a jerks 5/5 - 40kg
1a snatches 3/3 - 40 kg
Dbl swings 10 - 32kg
dbl front squats 5 - 32kg

I completed 3 rounds of this. ABout 35-40 minutes. I felt great afterward.


MKSchinabeck said...

Sounds like some goals to work for are in order. If I don't have specific goals I begin to loose my focus too.

Unknown said...

i agree with you. i may have to take up GS like you:)

Btw, how are the gs bells? Do you like them better?

MKSchinabeck said...

The GS bells are different. The main difference is that they are all the same size regardless of weight. This becomes critical when learning technique, as you don't have to change your technique as the weight goes up. Unlike the DD or PB bells where the ball gets progressively bigger as the weight goes up. I would say that all the balls are about the size of a DD or PB 32 kg. The handles are also narrower which helps preserve the grip with long sets of snatches, but also requires the building of some new callouses. At this point my GS bells are all I use. You should give GS a try. It is a nice change in pace and has some built in goals if you try to get ranked.