Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, April 11, 2011

Clubbell Mass Evolution by Shane Heins = Awesome Program, Buy it!

I finished this last night.

Awesome program! Shoulders and arms are much bigger. Weight went up because of the Creatine and quitting smokeless tobacco, but only by 7 pounds. Last time i quit it was 50lbs in 4 months. This program kept me from gaining too much.

Month 1 - long and grueling - think GVT with clubbells. divided into 2 session upper/lower. warm up/cool for both

Month 2 - TUT - 3 phases - warm up/cool downs same for all phases

Month 3 - Heavy CB training - Most challenging month for me. back to 2 session with separate warm ups and cool downs.

Programs calls for a set of 15# Clubbells and a 35# Clubbell.

I ended up using my 25# set and 45# Cb for most, but on some of the exercises in Month 2 & 3, to maintain best form possible, I used my homemade 15# set( more like 17-19#, filled with concrete),

If you are into Clubbell training, I highly recommend this product!


Shane Heins said...

Great to hear Todd. Great work and glad it went well. All the best with your newest training cycle!

Unknown said...


Thanks for such a great program. waiting for version 2!