Workout 1 - MetCon
Using Kettlebells, Clubbells, Joint Mobility, & Prasara Yoga to keep myself from falling apart
The family has decided to do Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I am doing the quick start double session for week one. Teasha, Shane and Steven (has track after school) are doing the normal week one. We are all doing the food portion also. this is a big adjustment for me. I will now be going back to eating 4 meals instead of the warrior diet. With all the change that happened in 2011 along with messing up my shoulder, my diet has sucked. I lost all will power to say no. I would make up excuses not to train. While I am not back to where I was in 2006 - 350lbs, I am not where I was in 2008-2009 at 245-250 lbs. I am a fat ass again. I want to make 225lbs again and just lifing heavy isn't cutting it. I will also be going back to food journaling to hold my self accountable. I should have never stopped.
AM Session
30 min Workout 1 - Metcon session - weights
PM Session
30 min Cardio 1
I am doing Intu-Flow and Prasara along with this.
Dbl KB C&P - 2x24kg - 3x5
Barbell Rows - 230# - 3x5
Kickstand Lunges - 2x32kg - 3x5/5
Prasara Poses - 1 min each
forward fold
pigeon - 30sL/R
down dog
up dog
drill bit
sleeping warrior
Basketball with the boys 3 different session after work. Calves are a little sore
This whole 4x7 cycle has been messed up. I have switched back to morning workouts. This means up an hour earlier, but if i don't, I can't fit in my training. So I got up earlier this morning and had a so/so session. I felt really tight and stiff
long Intu-Flow session
Trial by Fire with the 15# clubbell/s
dbl swipes 50
mills 50/50
hammer swings 25/25
Prasara - I will did some now. I will fit in some more tonight.
Not the greatest session but the first iron I have touched in a week.
I did play some mre basketball with the family, but kept the intensity way down
It was beautiful in Cleveland yeterday so played basketball with the family twice yesterday after missing 3 workout sessions
Strength Day
A1. Dbl KB Clean & Press - 2x32kg - 3x4
A2. Barbell Bent Rows - 230# - 3x5
B. Figure 8 Shield Casts - 45# Clubbell - 2x10
C1. Whack-a-Mole (arm cast + squat) - 45# Clubbell - 2x10
C2. Dbl Clubbell Swipes - 2x25# - 2x10
Prasara -
Forward fold - 1 min
Down Dog - 1 min
Up Dog - 1 min
Sleeping warrior - 1 min
Arm Thread - 30s L/R
Drill bit - 1 min
Pigeon - 30s L/R
Prasara Yoga
Needed more recovery
Really good sign today, no shoulder pain at all. The past two days have been the heaviest and more intense since June. I have to thank the CST method for fixing my shoulder. I really should have gone to the ortho, but I hate to go to the doc. I would say that my shoulder is ~95% of what it was. I know I will not neglect KB anymore. I will just blend them in with my CST stuff