Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2.18.09 - ballistics

CB Circuit

Rock-Its 30
Dbl Swipes 20
Mills 10/10

Completed 3 rounds

Floor Wipers

I also chalked my KBs for tomorrows session


MKSchinabeck said...

Hey Todd thanks for the post on the Cleveland KB site. What are your new training goals? I have really been enjoying the GS stuff. The ranking system gives you built in goals and the new technique subtlties have been fun to learn.

Too bad I am going to be out of town on April 4th. Might have been fun to try to put together a TSC site here in Cleveland. There could be some interest through the CKC or Crossfit if you feel like trying to organize something.

Unknown said...

Hey Matt,

No Problem on the post. You can post out there also, you are as much a part of that as i am.

As for goals, same as last year, lose fat and get stronger. i have really be slacking for about a month. i am trying to kick it in by going back to 5-6 days a week.

1. loose dome more fat
2. press the bulldog 5/5

I just got an Olympic set and have started doing deads again.

I also just found a Beast on Craigslist that i am going to buy.

TSC sounds good. we will have to discuss. maybe we could get together once the weather and your comp is over.

As you know, i have been exploring more stuff from Scott Sonnon and Rmax. while i love the stuff and am making progress in both fluidity and JM, i mess the heavy stuff every day.

Reply is getting to long. i may just post about it.

Talk soon