Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Morning JM.... Evening Rob Zombie and the Bent Press

4:45 am
JM - Intu-flow Intermediate mixed with KB warm-up. Only the Rooster for my neck. It is better but still sore. I will try KBs tonight. If painful, definitely FlowFit

3:45 PM
Threw on Past, Present and Future to begin.

JM- KB warm-up

Bent Press
1x1/1 20kg
1x2/2 24kg
2x1/1 32kg
1x1/1 40kg

C&PP - 40kg

Rows 40kg

Windmills 32kg

My neck started bothering me so I called it a day.

KB Compensatory - I did the following ones
Neck Roll
seal walk
Rabbit to camel
floor scorpion
seated shin box

I worked on some quad hop and tried spinal rock, but they hurt my neck.


nate b said...

I still haven't watched the compensatory shit, how is it?

Unknown said...

sent answer in email

Renee Yorkievitz, RKC said...

Gotta love that bent press - just like we talked about. So primative, so basic, yet powerful!