Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, March 30, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B2: Double Swing 3x8

1 min between exercises

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between exercises

32kgs on all.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I made up for Friday today. Thursday night, I got paged at 11:15pm I was troubleshooting a issue until 6:00 am Friday morning. Took yesterday off

Sonnon's KB warm-up

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x5
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10 - used a bulldog and beast
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

Used 32kgs

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B2: Double Swing 3x8

1 min between exercises

C1: Power Wheel Roll Out 3x6
C2: Slow and controlled Sit-up 1x8, 2x5 (4 seconds up and down)

1 min between exercises

32kgs on all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm-up

A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x5
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

Used 32kgs for all except overhead walk, used the 24kgs

Monday, March 23, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B2: Double Swing 3x8

1 min between exercises

C1: Power Wheel Roll Out 3x6
C2: Slow and controlled Sit-up 1x8, 2x5 (4 seconds up and down)

1 min between exercises

32kgs on all.

Neck Bridge 2x6 rocks each
Hip Flexor strecthes 4 each leg
Tactical frog 6 reps

Friday, March 20, 2009


A1. Double hang Clean and Press 2x6 , 1x5
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

I used double 24s for all except the 1x5 of hang cleans, I used dbl 32kg

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sonnon's KB warm up

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 2x6,1x10
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 2x6, 1x10

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B2: Double Swing 3x8

1 min between exercises

C1: Power Wheel Roll Out 3x6
C2: Slow and controlled Sit-up 3x6 (4 seconds up and down)

1 min between exercises

24kgs on all.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



A1. Double hang Clean and Press 3x6
A2. Alternating Rengade Rows 3x6

1 min between each set

B1. Suitcase Squats 3x10
B2. Double Cleans 3x10

1 min between each set

C1. Side Bend 3x8L/R
C2. Double Overhead walk 3 rounds of 45 sec

1 min between each set

I used double 24s for all



CB Dbl Arm Pit casts 3x10 15#
inward pendulums 2x10/10 15#
Mills 1x10/10 15#

Did some garage clean up and cut up some old lawn timbers. then move all out for garbage day.

Monday, March 16, 2009



A1. See saw presses 2-32kg 5x4/4
A2. RR - used the 40kg & 48kg - 2x3/3 w/48kg, 3x4/4 40kg

Suitcase Kick stand lunge 2-24kg
2x5/5 stepping forward
2x5/5 stepping backwards

side bends - 20kg

Ab wheel roll-outs 

Saturday, March 14, 2009


A1. Kb C&P 40kg 3x3/3
A2. BB bent rows 225# 3x3

Dbl Swings 2-24kgs 3x10

CB head casts 15# - 2x5/5
CB Inward Pendulums 15# 2x10/10
CB Wrist casts 10# 2x5/5

Hip flexor stretches

Thursday, March 12, 2009




Deads - snatch pull with hook grip 225#

Side presses
1x4/4 80#
1x5/5 70#

Max VO2 20kg 7 reps :15 on :15 off 30 rounds


sore as hell so all I did was JM


Tuesday, March 10, 2009




1x5 300#
1x5 275#

Side Presses
1x5/5 75#
1x5/5 65#

Full contact twists

I was psyched for this, then i got paged right as I started the deads. I called and it was a stupid reason to be called and it pretty much killed the psych. I struggled all workout

Monday, March 9, 2009



1x5 322#
1x5 290#

Side Presses
1x3R 87#, 1x3L 75#
1x5/5 65#

5min Snatch test w/32kg

I couldn't do anymore. The 15/15 I believe is the most i have ever done with 32kg, I may be wrong without going back to check.  Great session

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



Snatches - Maxwell Style- 24kg - 4:31 minutes




32kg 2x3/3
24kg 1x5/5

Tried the beast and only made it to my elbow. I will continue to work on it.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Intu flow

2A Swings Ladder
20kg,24kg,32kg,40kg,48kg x10 ea

completed 4 rounds in 20 minutes. 200 total reps, pretty sucky if you ask me

after the first 2 rounds I had to put my hands in front of the heater for 3 minutes, my hands were numb from the cold weather