Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Halo 10/10


Snatches 24kg

Dead snatches 32kg

Snatches 20kg

My forearms are my weakest link so i started doing some exercises out of HFL power forearm routine. I will outline at a later date.

Off tomorrow, I have to see my son play. More Snatches on Thursday.

Nate Black is coming over for a visit and so are friends of mine that just got KBs. I will proceed to show them swings and TGUs.


MKSchinabeck said...

Keep working the snatches. The long sets, combined with dead and hang snatches should have you reaching your snatch test numbers soon. Oh yeah, don't forget the heavy swings too!!!! So much pain ahead!


Unknown said...

My forearms gave out on me. they pumped up like Popeye. i added in some grip work and direct forearm work to compensate. levering a 4x4 while in a pinch grip is rough. I may need to go back to 2- 2x4s. I will eventually get my numbers. However, my goal for the year was 50/50 with one switch, so i am focusing one that right now. Another reason that I changed up the routine. I have tried too many different routines this year, they all worked, but I have specific goals in mind now. See ya Thursday if you make it over

MKSchinabeck said...

Working for specific goals will give you the best results. This summer has been the most productive for me as I have set goals and developed programs to reach those goals.