Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9.29.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 73

No Intensity

Warm Up 1, 2, & 3

Intu-Flow Beginner with youngest son

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9.28.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 72

High Intensity

Warm Up 3

I worked with my youngest on FlowFit 1 lvl 1 - he completed 6 rounds

Ex 1 - 6

Ex 2 - 5

Ex 3 - 4

Ex 4 - 3

Ex 5 - 5

Ex 6 - 2

Cool down 3


9.27.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 71

Moderate Intensity - did some iron today

Warm Up 3

TacFit Bravo

4 Min continuous work/1 min rest

Kb Goblet squats - 2h KB Deadlifts - 48kg - stopped counting at 50 reps - had to set the kb a few times - I went too heavy

Parallette presses - knee push ups - I didn't count I just kept pressing

Matt Relays - Bear Crawls - hard to keep going entire 4 mins

Gamma Casts - 25# cb - shoulder parked a few times

This was hard.. I need to do more endurance type of work.

Cool down 3

I worked with my youngest son on Intu-Flow, push ups/quad presses, spinal rocks & trinity squats. He is 8 yrs old. 

a great session


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

9.20.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 65 - Repeat

No Intensity

Warm Up 1, 2, & 3

Given I missed 2 days and did weights for both Mod and High days, I am repeating Days 65, 66, 67 & 68. This will get me back on the wave.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This weekend

9/18/10 - Nothing but Intu-flow - I am still fighting something. My desire to train wasn't there

9/19/10 - I reorganized the garage. I went from a 14'x22' training area to a 10'x10' area so the wife can get her car in the garage for the upcoming winter. The new area works fine. Today's high intensity session


TacFit Echo - 2 rounds of 90s/30s

Floor Shots - 8# med ball

Basic Quad presses

Rope Dbl Rows

Clubbell shield casts

Bear crawls

This liked to kill me. I was counting reps but lost count on both rounds. I was supposed to do the crab, but that wasn't working so switched to bear crawls.

Prasara - 1 min ea.

Drill Bit

Sleeping warrior

Up dog

Down Dog

Threading arm 

Friday, September 17, 2010

9.17.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 67

Moderate Intensity - I haven't really been into it the last couple of days - did some KBs/CBs/Rope today

Intu-Flow - intermediate/advanced/kb warm up - a combination

KB Floor Press - 2x10- 24kgs/2x6-32kgs

Gamma Cast - 4x5 - brusier

Torch Press 4x5/5 - 25

Rope Rows - 4x5

Prasara - 

Drill bit

sleeping warrior

down dog

up dog

threading arm

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

9.13.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 64

High Intensity

Warm Up 3

EX 1 - 5

EX 2 - 5

EX 3 - 3 - I had 4 on last 4 rounds

EX 4 - 3 - I had 4 on the first 4 rounds

EX 5 - 5

EX 6 - 2

Cool Down 3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9.9.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 60

High Intensity

Warm Up 3

Exercise 1 - Score 4

Exercise 2 - Score 4

Exercise 3 - Score 3

Exercise 4 - Score 3

Exercise 5 - Score 5

Exercise 6 - Score 2

Cool Down 3

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9.8.10 - Grunt Mission 3 - Day 59

Moderate Intensity - This mission is going to be challenging. Just practiced the moves to day

Warm Up3

1. Cossack Lunges - I didn't like these in super joints and I don't now either. Hopefully by the end of this mission i will love them:)

2. Swinging Plank - I like these

3. Airborne Squats - Very challenging since i have issues doing pistols with out holding a kb 

4. Spiderman Push ups - different then when on your knees in Recruit 3

5. Shinbox invert - Wow. Challenging but i really like it

6. Base Switches - I am still very tight moving my shoulders back and together, upper back region. These will be challenging the whole mission. Hopefully by the end a piece of cake

Cool Down 3



Sunday, September 5, 2010

9.5.10 - Grunt Mission 2 - Day 56

High Intensity - Last day of Grunt Mission 2 - the scoring will depict the progression from day 32 to day 56

Warm Up 2

Exercise 1 - Score 4-->6

Exercise 2 - Score 4-->7

Exercise 3 - Score 2-->3

Exercise 4 - Score 4-->7

Exercise 5 - Score 3-->6

Exercise 6 - Score 5-->9

Total - Score 22-->38 - a 16 rep overall improvement. I will take it. On to Grunt Mission 3

Cool Down 2


9.4.10 - Grunt Mission 2 - Day 55

Moderate Intensity - KBs and CBs

Warm Up 2

DBL MP - 32kgs - KBs - 3x5

Alt TGU up-Windmill-TGU down - 24kg - KB - 5 minutes

Alt Arm Pit cast from Order - 25s - CBs 3x5/5

Alt Mills - 25 - CB - 3x5/5

Cool Down 2

Friday, September 3, 2010

9.3.10 - Grunt Mission 2 - Day 54

Low Intensity

Warm Up 2

Cricket Beginner Flow - 3 rounds

Ocean Beginner Flow part A - i am working on it. 

Cool Down 1, 2, & 3

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9.1.10 - Grunt Mission 2 - Day 52

High Intensity - knee still hurts. It seems that i aggravated some old scar tissue that has some nerve ending in it. The reason I say this is because when i push where  the nerve endings where before the pain goes away. i say it was the step ups. more RICE tonight.

Warm Up 2

Exercise 1 - Score 5

Exercise 2 - Score 7

Exercise 3 - Score 2 - I must be a weakling. After 2 reps L/R, my form goes all over the place. 

Exercise 4 - Score 6

Exercise 5 - Score 6 - last 2 rounds were iffy. The 5th and 6th reps were rough

Exercise 6 - Score 9

Cool Down 2

Last micro cycle starts tomorrow.