Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2.26.12 - Day 8 - High Intensity


KB Snatches - 16kg - 1x30/30, 8x15/15 - 300 total reps - 12:00 minutes

Prasara - individual poses

Worked on Hero flow again

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2.25.12 - Day 7 - Moderate Intensity


1h KB C&p - 32kg - 5x3 L/R

CB Shield Casts - 45# - 1L/1R = 1 - 4x10 - switched grips every set

Figure - 8 Shield Cast - 45# - 1L/1R = 1 - 4x5

Meternome - 45# - 1L/1R = 1 - 2x5

spinal rocks - 2x10



2.24.12 - day 6 - low intensity


Hero Parsara Flow from CBHE

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2.21.12 Day 4 - High Intensity



Trial by Fire (TBF) - 18:30 - Listened to the TacFit album and used the TacFit timer for the session

double swipes -  2x15lbs - 100 reps - not continuous - hands gave out - 30,20, 20, 15, 15

Mills - 15lbs - 100 reps L/R - each side 10,20,20,20,20,10

Hammer Swings - 15lbs - 50CW/50CCW - continous

Not bad work for 18:30. I want it sub 15 mins






Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20/12 -Day 3 - Moderate Intensity


A1. Alt. MP -24kgs - 5x5L/R
A2. Barbell bent rows -225 lbs 5x5

B1. Barbell cleans from the floor - 135lbs - 5x5
B2. Dbl kb front squats - 24 kegs - 5x5

C1. Farmer's walk - 32kgs - 2x100ft


Feels great to be out in the garage again. The cold air and a great sweat. The man cave. High intensity tomorrow. I have an idea what I will be doing tomorrow, but that all depends on if I am sore tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

2/17/12 Roadwork

Off work today, so decided to move most everything back out to the garage. Carrying all eight KBs up the stairs was a nice workout in it's self. I love farmer's walks.

1/4 mile
1h swing 24kg 10/10
1/4 mile
C&P 24kg 10/10
1/4 mile
Forward ellipses 10
1/4 mile
Swings - same as above
1/4 mile
Forward ellipses 10

That was it today. Endurance sucks. It feels great to be back in the garage. Now just to make my sessions more consistent!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Queens Park Ave,Mayfield Heights,United States

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2/15/12 #KBs


2h - swings 32kg - one the minute for twelve minutes - 240 reps

TGUs - 16kg -alt sides for five minutes


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Queens Park Ave,Mayfield Heights,United States

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2/14/12 #Kenpo & #TKD


Yellow belt - 10 techniques x2

Orange belt - 24 techniques x2

Short form 1 both sides x2

Long form 1 x4

Worked on drag step and crossovers maneuvers, rear and lead roundhouse with Shane.

Not a lot of time today, poor time management on my part. Need to be spending at least 1.5 hours 3x/week on Kenpo. Then to balance this with CST/TacFit, work and family time. It might be time to start getting back up at 4:30 am

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Queens Park Ave,Mayfield Heights,United States

Monday, February 13, 2012

2.13.12 - #TacFit #KOC Level 2




Round  1:
Exercise  1 - 20  HRbpm: 131   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[20]
Exercise  2 - 20  HRbpm: 120   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[20]
Exercise  3 - 20  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[20]
Exercise  4 - 20  HRbpm: 141   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[20]
Exercise  5 - 34  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[34]

Round 2:

Exercise  1 - 30  HRbpm: 160   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

Exercise  2 - 24  HRbpm: 120   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

Exercise  3 - 25  HRbpm: 160   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

Exercise  4 - 34  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6
Exercise  5 - 36  HRbpm: 140   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

Average HRbpm: 136.20
Average RPT: 8.00
Average RPD: 3.00
Average RPE: 6.00


Friday, February 10, 2012

2.10.12 - #Kenpo & #TKD #AKLA #ATA


Worked with Shane on his TKD kicks on heavy bag and using our new sheild and target.


Kenpo Kicks - all kicks 10/10 unless noted other wise - all on heavy bag

Lead leg front snap kick

rear leg snap kick

Wheel Kick

Drag Step Side thrust

Drag step roundhouse

spinning back kick

Inward crescent

outward crescent

lead leg side snap

combo rear leg front/back/side/wheel 5/5 (total 20 kicks each leg)

Total 110/110. 

Felt like my abductors were going to rip.

Finished with some pull-drag wheel & side kicks - I didn't count these

Health for Life Ab routine - this is old school - I am surprised I remembered it. I miss their products.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2.8.12 - #TacFit - King of Clubs Lvl 2




Round 1: 
Exercise 1 - 20  HRbpm: 115   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6 [20]
Exercise 2 - 25  HRbpm: 126   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6
Exercise 3 - 20  HRbpm: 142   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6
Exercise 4 - 20  HRbpm: 142   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6
Exercise 5 - 40  HRbpm: 142   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

 Round 2:
Exercise 1 - 22  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6
Exercise 2 - 20  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6 [20]
Exercise 3 - 20  HRbpm: 140   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6 [20]
Exercise 4 - 20  HRbpm: 130   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6 [20]
Exercise 5 - 30  HRbpm: 151   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6 [30]


Average HRbpm: 134.80
Average RPT: 8.00
Average RPD: 3.00
Average RPE: 6.00

Prasara - each pose for 30/30

Forward Fold

Standing twist

down dog

up dog

arm thread


drill bit

Homemade Exercise Equipment Resource

Homemade Exercise Equipment Resource: Some of this may have been posted up here before , but here's an up to date list of Joe Hashey's Homemade Exercise Equipment directly over at Synergy Athletics

  • Thick Handled Dumbbells

  • Thick Handled Dumbbells - Quick Fix Version

  • Homemade Ball Grips

  • Homemade Loading Pin

  • Find A Large Tire For Flipping

  • Medicine Ball

  • Sandbag Construction – Video

  • Waterball Construction

  • Pull-up Bar

  • Homemade Lifting Bars

  • Simple Glute Ham Raise Machine

  • T Handle For Swings

  • Adjustable Slosh Pipe

  • DIY: Olympic Weightlifting Platform

  • Rack Mounted Wrist Roller

  • How to Make Your Own Clubs

  • Homemade Agility Ladder

  • Double Ab Wheels – Make these TODAY.

  • Bumper Plates and Bar

  • Farmer’s Walk Bars

  • Atlas Stone Part I and Atlas Stone Part II - Another Atlas Stone Variation

  • Dip Bars, Farmers Walk Handles, Loading Pin and more.

  • A Handful of Grip Training Ideas

  • Homemade Tornado Ball

  • Homemade Thick Bar Instructions (Video)
  • Joe has a really good Newsletter worth subscribing to with some great bonus reports and manuals

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Karate Depot - Great Service & Quality

    Just bought a the following at  Karate Depot for my sons and I for our TKD and Kenpo practice sessions


    Elite Vinyl Focus Target: Double


    Pro Quality Curved Body Shield


    Save on thai pads by Windy, CSI and Fairtex.


    martial arts supplies

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    2.6.12 - #Kenpo & #TKD - #AKLA #ATA

    Tom Kurz Scientific Stretching

    Stretch kicks

    Lying leg splits


    Worked with Shane on his jumping side kicks, jump front kicks and Double and triple lead roundhouse kicks. 

    Yellow Belt - All 10 techniques

    Orange Belt - All 24 techniques

    Purple Belt - First 12 techniques,Finger Set #1, Coordination Set #1

    Crossing Minds

    2.5.12 - TacFit - King of Clubs #tacfit #clubbells

    Level 1


    Round 1
    Exercise 1 - 30  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6


    Exercise 2 - 30  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 3 - 30  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6[30]

    Exercise 4 - 30  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 5 - 50  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6


     Round 2 
    Exercise 1 - 35  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 2 - 35  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 3 - 40  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 5:
    Exercise 4 - 20  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Exercise 5 - 40  HRbpm: 0   RPT: 8  RPD: 3  RPE:  6

    Average HRbpm: 0.00
    Average RPT: 8.00
    Average RPD: 3.00
    Average RPE: 6.00


    Forward Fold


    Down Dog

    drill bit

    Arm thread

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    2.3.12 - #Kenpo #AKLA

    Missing working out in the garage, the Basement just doesn't have the same vibe.


    Kenpo - All Yellow and Orange techniques. First 3 of Purple.

    Trained Steven on Yellow. 

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    2.1.12 - TacFit King of Clubs #TacFit #CST #KoC

    TacFit King of Clubs - Level 1

    Circuit - 90s/30s ea exercise - 2 rounds

    A1. Squats - 45#

    A2. Side Swings - 45#/25#

    A3. Lever Press - 45#/25#

    A4. Side Pendulum - 45#/25#

    A5. Swings - 45#/25#



    Forward Fold

    Standing twist


    arm thread

    down dog

    up dog




    Jamming to the TacFit Album


    1.31.12 - Recovery
