Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Saturday, April 18, 2009


A1. DBL C&P - 3x10 24kgs
A2. DBL Ballistic Rows 3x10 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

B1. DBL suitcase Kickstand Lunges 3x10 - 24kgs
B2. DBL swings 3x10 - 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

C1. Side Bends 3x8 24kg
C2. DBl OH Walks 3 rounds 24kgs

1 Minute rest between sets

This was a back off week. Onto the 32kgs for all presses and the Bulldog and Beast for the others. I am still working on getting another bulldog. Just a little longer to save. The economy just sucks right now.

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