Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spreading the KB Craze

I am the kind of person that when i find something that it is good, I become obsessed with it. I read, talk, preach, etc.. if you get my drift. Well, I work in IT so we everyone know we need exercise. Some of my co-workers have called me the KB evangelist. So far, I have gotten 6 people into KBs. One of them has lost 20lbs after 4 weeks of swings. All 6 have bought the KBs from either target or Dick's sporting goods so they are using the DVD that comes with that. I have shown them some techniques that I have picked up from my sessions with the RKCs that I have spent time with. My goal is to continue spreading the KB craze and get my RKC in 09. I think this will be easy since the company that i work for is very wellness oriented. We have even named a CWO (cheif wellness officer).

Keep spreading the KB love.


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