Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Z, Clubbells, and Shoulder Mobility

Clubbells - 15s

Alternating Shield Casts 3x5

Alternating Head Casts 3x5

Double Shoulder casts 3x5

Double pendulum 2x5L,R

Double Arm Pit cast 3x5

Shoulder Mobility

RKC Arm Bar 2x3R,L 20kg

Scapula pulls 3x5 with purple JS Band

Off to do R Phase now


MKSchinabeck said...

How are you liking the shoulder mobility drills?
Which ones are you using?

Unknown said...

I like them. The overhead one I have to do with out the rack, since i don't have one. I like the scapula pulls, the one with the band, I have also been doing the one from T-Nation. In addition, the RKC Arm Bar, out of Resilient, is awesome. I can actually do OHS with the 20kg now! When i can do doubles, that will be something!

MKSchinabeck said...

I forgot to mention in my shoulder mobility post that the overhead shrugs don't require a squat rack. I actually do them in a door jamb on my knees. This simulates the squat rack quite nicely. I also worked the armbar a bit, but doesn't seem to do as much as the stick work. I would totally agree, my overhead position has improved greatly and my OHS are much improved.