Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, June 1, 2009

6.1.09 - family affair

KB- Warm up

2H swings 10x20, 2x15 - 20kg on the minute

2H swings 9x10 3x5 - 20# Gofit KB on the minute

Both did real great. I am very proud both are training with me. my youngest son Shane is next.

A1. DBL C&P - 3x6 - 32kgs
A2. DBL Ballistic row - 3x6 - 32kgs

B1. Suitcase squats 3x10 Bulldog/Beast
B2. DBL Swings 3x10 - 32kgs

C1. Ab roll outs 3x6 - I still suck at these
C2. OH walks - 1 round L/R Beast, 2 rounds L/R Bulldog

! min rest between each set

Spine decompression from SJ
Spinal Rock and seal walk from KB Foundation

I finally broke my habit of mixing styles. I had been dabbling with some GS techniques and anatomical breathing which was messing up my HS technique. I made a conscious effort to do all HS and biomechanical breathing. Much better & stronger  effort today.

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