Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Friday, October 23, 2009

10.23.09 - Friday - Density Cycle Hammer Swings - Some KBs thrown in

5:00 am Zhan Zhaung - Wu Chi - Day 9 of 21 @ 15 minutes

3:30 Pm
Intu-Flow/KB warm-up Mix

Density Cycle
Hammer Swings - 15# - 18x6 on the minute - 9CCW, 9CW

A1. Dbl C&P - 32kgs - 3x5
A2. Dbl Ballistic rows - 32kgs - 3x5

B1. Dbl Snatch - 24kgs - 2x6
B2. Dbl Kickstand Lunge - 32kgs - 2x5/5

Bicycle Plow
Neck rolls
Seal Walk
Sleeping warrior
Kneeling side bend
Ground scorpion

I love the Density cycle, however, it would be better with  heavier clubs. I haven't been feeling a big boost in CNS or testosterone while just using the 15#s. Don't get me wrong, utilizing CST methods, I have increased my KB stuff. I felt real strong today. I feel the problem is that I have completed the entire TBF in 28 minutes with the 15#s. Now I am breaking it down and its not as rough except for Mills. This will probably change when i get under 10 Minutes. I can wait!
The compensatory exercise are really working.

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