Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, September 21, 2009

9.21.09 - Monday - Day 8 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 12 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Light day

Flowfit - 12 minutes - I would have went longer but i ripped my tonenail off my right big toe. Moral - Train with my chucks on or make sure i clip nails before flowfit :) I still am having issues with the tripod to crab on level 2. Level 3 springing tripod is easier for me. Any suggestions?

I downloaded both the free BER and 12 minute Stage crazy From Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer. Really good stuff. I will utilize these while at Disaster recovery testing next month. These made me realize that I need the 3 core CST books, Big book of clubbells, Free to move and Prasara Yoga, as i progress along my CST journey.

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