Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Monday, May 4, 2009


JM - Daily dozen

A1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6 -  32kgs
A2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x7 32kgs

1 min between exercises

B1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r 32kgs
B2: Dbl Swings 3x8 32kgs

1 min between exercises

C1. Ab roll out 3x6
C2. sit ups slow and controlled 1x10, 2x8

1 min between each set

Session kinda sucked...Dealing with a re-org at work which is very stressful... All of a sudden, all the things I used to do, I no longer get to because I am on the wrong team.......Extra dose of Maca for me tonight to combat the cortisol release... I can't let this effect me... just grin and bare it...In the end, I have a job...more that a lot of people can say...

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