Mahler's Aggressive Strength -

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

9.30.09 - Wednesday - Day 16 of 4x7

Wu Chi - Day 17 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Intu-Flow - Intermediate lvl

Light day

Stretching and icing my shoulder. It felt good last night, so I must have slept on it wrong.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9.29.09 - Tuesday - day 15 of 4x7

Wu Chi - Day 16 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Intu-Flow - Intermediate - Followed along with DVD


A1. CB Dbl Swings - 30 sec
A2. CB Dbl Swipes - 30 sec
A3. CB Dbl Barbarian Squats - 30 sec
A4. Mills - 30 sec R/L
A5. Quad Hops - 30 secs
A6. Springing Tripod - 30 sec

1 minute rest - Repeated 2 more rounds

Spinal rocks

Compensatory Exercises
Neck roll
Sleeping warrior

So it is getting colder here in Cleveland. I put up more insulation(still need more) in the garage. I plan on getting 4 sheets of drywall tomorrow to cover insulation. Also had the electricity ran, now i have a TV out there to watch DVDs. Once i have the walls all insulated and covered, I will proceed to sectioning off the rafters so I can have room for CB and the rings that i want. My training area is a work in progress just like me:)

Monday, September 28, 2009

9.28.09 - Monday - Day 14 of 4x7

Woke up late and had a stressful day, so switched to No Intensity today


Nothing else

Sunday, September 27, 2009

9.27.09 - Sunday - Day 13 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 16 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Heavy Day

OA Swings - 24kg on the minute

Dbl CB torch press - 15#s


9.26.09 - Saturday - Off

I had to get up at 1:30am, worked from 2:10 am til 6:30 AM. I couldn't get back to sleep until 9:00 am. Woke up at 2:30 PM and felt like shit. Took the day off

Friday, September 25, 2009

Some observations & reading Anti-Estrogenic Diet

Very interesting book. Unknowingly, I had been doing some of this from the way I switched up my WD practice. I am planning on starting to integrate AED with WD once I return from Disaster Recovery testing on 10/14/09.
One observation I have made is that even though I absolutely love Peanut Butter, I can't eat it. I have been having a sandwich for desert every night for the last week and i can notice some bloating in stomach region after eating it. So I will be eliminating it.  

I feel Phase I & II is were i need to stay.

Regarding training, the CST system is awesome. I will be getting real CBs for a Christmas present from my wife. With that said, on my heavy days, I will reverting back to swings and get-ups for my KBs as a focus. I have been neglecting swings. Always chasing heavier KBs, I flared up some old tendinitis in my left shoulder. I feel this is to some limits in flexibility and contraindications. So I will be doing more Prasara yoga compensatory exercises to fix this.


9.25.09 - Friday - Day 12 of 4x7

Intu-Flow - I actually put in the disk and did Intermediate level. I was getting this confuse with Z R-phase and daily dozen

Wu Chi - Day 15 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Light day

FlowFit level 2 - 15 minutes

I used the shin roll for getting up from Spinal rock. I want this before the end of the year.

Compensatory exercises - Thoracic region


Rabbit camel
Kneeling side-bend
twisted chair.

9.24.09 - Thursday Day 11 of 4x7


Wu Chi -  Day 14 of 21 @ 10 minutes

No Intensity day

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9.23.09 - Wednesday - day 10 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 13 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Medium day
TBF - didn't time - but fewer songs - 15#s

Dbl Swipes - 130reps
Hammer swings - 65repsL/R
mills - 130repsL/R

Compensatory Cool down
All except last 5... I need to focus more on shoulders and thoracic  region - Some were better today than yesterday - I have a long way to go.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

9.22.09 - Tuesday - Day 9 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 12 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Heavy day
1x5 - 245
1x5 - 275
1x5 -300

BB C&P - from floor
1x5 - 135
2x4 - 155

Compensatory Exercise
neck roll
sleeping warrior
Seal walk
rabbit to camel
kneeling side bend
Tripod lift
The twisted chair
the wind removing
seated Spinal twist
floor scorpion

I didn't do all of the exercises on the DVD. I did find that I need to do these more often because i have limitations on all of them. I will work on these and the others everyday from now on.

Monday, September 21, 2009

9.21.09 - Monday - Day 8 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 12 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Light day

Flowfit - 12 minutes - I would have went longer but i ripped my tonenail off my right big toe. Moral - Train with my chucks on or make sure i clip nails before flowfit :) I still am having issues with the tripod to crab on level 2. Level 3 springing tripod is easier for me. Any suggestions?

I downloaded both the free BER and 12 minute Stage crazy From Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer. Really good stuff. I will utilize these while at Disaster recovery testing next month. These made me realize that I need the 3 core CST books, Big book of clubbells, Free to move and Prasara Yoga, as i progress along my CST journey.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9.20.09 - Sunday Day 7 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 11 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Medium day
Rock Its - 30s
Dbl arm pit casts - 30s
dbl Forward pendulum - 30s
dbl side pendulums - 30s

completed twice

Drumming 2x10

Very short time - completed late

Saturday, September 19, 2009

9.19.09 - Saturday - Day 6 of 4x7


Wu Chi - day 10 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Heavy Day

TBF - 15# CBs - 28:31 - a full 4 minutes off my last time - Not bad for only my second time

Dbl Swipes 130 reps

Hammer swings 65 reps R/L

Mills - 130 reps r/l - These really flow on my right - very mechanical on my left - I continue to work on these

Great session.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

9.17.09 - Thursday - Day 4 of 4x7


Wu Chi - Day 8 of 21 @ 10 Minutes

Light Day

FlowFit - level 2 - 15 minutes - I have issues with the spinal rock/deck squat, so I used my 20kg Kb to complete.

Compensatory exercises
1. neck rolls
2. Plow
3. Sleeping Warrior
4. Seal Walk

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9.15.09 - Tuesday - Day 2 of 4x7


Wu Chi - Day 6 of 21 @ 10 Minutes

Medium/Metcon Day

dbl arm pit cast - 15 reps
forward lever press - 6 L/R
forward/back circles - 5f, 5b L/R
Mills - 10 L/R
Drumming - 10 reps

Completed 2 rounds

Wrist casts - 4x10/10

Did the first 3 cool down exercise from KB Foundation
A. Plow
B. Neck Roll
C. Sleeping Warrior

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/14/09 - Monday - Day 1 of 4x7


Wu Chi - Day 5 of 21 @10 minutes

Heavy Day

A1. Dbl C&P - 32kgs - 3x4
A2. BB Rows - 225# - 3x5

B1. Dbl swings - 32kgs - 3x8 - low chest level
B2. Dbl Front Squats - 32kgs 3x5

C. Combo - Armbar-Tgu(up)-Windmill-OH Squat-TGU(down) - 20kg - 1x3/3 - The OH squat sucked but better.

9-10 - 9/13/09



Wu Chi - Day 4 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Friday - Off



Wu Chi - Day 5 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Sunday - off

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9.9.09 - Wednesday - Day 28 of 4x7


Wu Chi - Day 3 of 21 @ 10 minutes

Heavy day

2 rounds of the following

Dbl dead cleans - 2x5 - 32kgs

RR - 2x5/5 - pulling bulldog, supporting on beast

OAJ - 2x5/5 - 40kg

High pulls - 2x5/5 - 40kg

Dbl front squats - 2x5 - 32kgs

Nice CNS and testosterone boost

This completes this cycle. I will be starting another one Thursday since I took off 3 days during this one.

Friday, September 4, 2009

9.4.09 - Friday Day 24 of 4x7

Wu chi - Day 20 of 21 @ 5 minutes


Heavy Day

I decided to try the Trial By Fire (TBF) today .
The TBF is the following - 15s

Dbl Swipes 130 reps
Hammer Swings 65L/R
Mills 130 L/R

My first try at it - 32 minutes - 15s
Dbl Swipes -  130 reps(4x20, 2x25)
Hammer Swings 65reps L/R(1x30 R/L, 1x35 R/L)
Mills 130 Reps L/R (13x10 L/R)

This was harder than i thought. A blister on my right forefinger. Mills on my left sucked at first, as always, by the 13th set they were much better. I think it would have been better if I had real RMAX Clubbells, instead of my homemade ones, but a great session and I feel great

9.3.09 - Thursday - day 23 of 4x7

Wu Chi - Day 19 of 21 @ 5 minutes


Light day

FlowFit - 15 minutes

I worked extra on the Tripod and the Spinal rock. The Tripod sucks at level 2, I can't even do the table, but the springing Tripod is no problem. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9.2.09 - Wednesday - Day 22 of 4x7

Wu Chi - day 18 of 21 @ 5 minutes

Medium Day


Clubbells - I tried some new exercises today

From floor park : Dbl clean & torch press - 15s - 3x8

Front lever press - 15 - 2x5 L/R - Ok

Side Lever Press - 15 - 2x5 L/5 - sucked on left side

Drumming - 15s - 3x10 - Harder than I thought

Dbl Inward/outward pendulums - 2x10

Dbl Front Pendulums - 2x10

9.1.09 - Tuesday - Day 21 of 4x7

Wu Chi - day 17 of 21 @ 5 minutes

No Intensity day
