My oldest son has football games every week on Wed/Thursday evenings, so i will be changing my schedule to accommodate his games. I am moving to an all weekend schedule doing circuit training Fri/Sat/Sun. I will be doing Snatches on Tues and either Wed/Thursday depending on his games. This leave Mon and either wed/thurs as off days. I will do Z or body flow/flow fit on these days. I may also do Clubbells on these days. For now, I will be doing the RKC prep workouts outlined by MRKC Brett Jones in the second to last Hard Style. I have a goal in mind, while it is not the RKC, I still have one. I will elaborate on this later. These type will work on my weakest part, endurance.
This change also leaves time for me the work with the new people I have gotten into KBs last week. All 3 of them ordered KB last week.
I am trying to decide what new bell to get. I have benn thinking about dbl 16kg. That would give me something to do on my light dbl days, when i get back to them. However, i have already done some ladders with Nate Black's 'bulldog', so I could get one of those. I just feel there is so much more i could do with dbl 16s. I will have to see when the time comes.
This change also leaves time for me the work with the new people I have gotten into KBs last week. All 3 of them ordered KB last week.
I am trying to decide what new bell to get. I have benn thinking about dbl 16kg. That would give me something to do on my light dbl days, when i get back to them. However, i have already done some ladders with Nate Black's 'bulldog', so I could get one of those. I just feel there is so much more i could do with dbl 16s. I will have to see when the time comes.